Version 3.0 Released
Version 3.0 is finally here. Here’s a brief overview of some of the new features. Settings Added a new tab ‘Mqtt Data’. This shows the last mqtt received messages order by utc desc. This is really useful for debugging. Thing Page Type Rather than just using short codes to display mqtt data. I added in […]
MqttCogs Now Supports DataTables
This post is based on Version 2.3 of mqttcogs. Have you tried using the Google Visualization Table chart? It isn’t great. Just about acceptable, if you want to dump some data but is difficult to style and is missing a lot of features that you get with other table components. In this post we’ll compare […]
Card Layouts
Version 2.3 comes with some very simple css classes. In this post we are going to use a single css class group-card. Using this class you can now very easily create a ‘card’ layout that flows using the Gutenburg editor. The mqtt-card css must be applied to a Gutenberg container, as you can’t apply custom […]
Visualizing Mqtt JSON Payload 3
This is another post that describes how to manipulate the Mqtt payload. The JSON payload in this example comes from a commercial Minew BLE gateway. You must be using Version 2.3 or greater for this example to work! For this example, we’ll use some data from a Minew gateway. The data coming from the Minew […]
Publish Data Using An MqttCogs Shortcode
Not only can you visualize data using Mqttcogs but it is also possible to publish data to your Mqtt broker using the shortcode. The ability to publish data is useful, here are a couple of reasons I wanted to do this. This article is based on Version 2.3 of the the MqttCogs plugin. Number 1: […]
Mqttcogs Now Supports Leaflet
We’ve already seen that it is possible to show a simple plot of longitude and latitudes from a JSON payload. See Visualize OwnTracks GPS Data. If you like simple Google maps this works but isn’t particularly flexible. You can only display points on the Google map using the very limited Google Map Visualization. If you […]
Grouping and Aggregating
Version 2.2 includes the ability to group and aggregrate data. This is really useful, it allows you slice data by day and apply operations like MIN, MAX and AVG. We’re going to work through an example that will show the MINimum temperature and the MAXimum temperature for each day for one of my sensors. The […]
Visualizing Mqtt JSON Payload 2
This post describes how to manipulate the Mqtt payload when it contains JSON data. You must be using Version 2.2 or greater for this example to work! For this example, we’ll use some owntracks data. See Visualizing Owntracks Data for an introduction. Firstly, lets remind ourselves of what the data looks like in our database. […]
How to Output a Table
This post shows how to output a Google Visualization Table. This is useful for a simple data dump of Mqtt data. I’ve tried to use this visualization in other projects but I found that the table is a little difficult to format and doesn’t include features that other table libraries do a lot better. See […]
A State Triggered Action!
In a Create a Time Triggered Action we were able to schedule an Mqtt Message (the action) to be sent at a given time or interval. This example shows how to take an action based on an incoming message. I’ve highlighted my criteria in green and my action in red When I receive a moisture […]